Register your vehicle

1. $40.00 Entry Fee Required. Pay via Zelle or send checks payable to Asiya Section Crew - 1925 Elkhorn Court, San Mateo, CA 94403

2. Arrive by 9:00 am on the day of the event. Remain until the event closes at 3:00 pm. Rain or Shine.

3. In consideration of the acceptance of this application, the submitted form proclaims:

A. Release the Asiya Shrine Section Crew, Asiya Shrine, its directors, volunteers, and agents from all liability arising in said event.

B. Release all other contestants and officials from all liability arising in said event.

C. Warrants that the undersigned has personally read the rules under which said event will conclude and agree to abide by said rules and regulations.

D. Grant permission to use photographs and information about his/her vehicle(s).

E. Grants the use of photograph(s) or electronic media images and depictions of him/her or his/her vehicle(s) in other media. I further consent that any media presentation may be part of any commercial production.

4. Fire Extinguishers are Recommended.

5. Provide proof of current automobile insurance for each vehicle entered.


7. Spots are limited to 80 cars

8. There is NO outside Alcohol, Weapons, Or Drugs allowed at this event!

9. Event location: Asiya Shrine, 1925 Elkhorn Ct. San Mateo, CA. 94403

By submitting this form, you agree to give Asiya Shriners and all event coverage photographers the use of images of you and/or vehicle’s likeness for future publications and marketing materials. You also agree to hold harmless and leave the Asiya Shriners volunteers and Classic Cruisers USA and all volunteers free of all liabilities, claims, demands, expenses, fees, fines, penalties (including attorney fees), suits, proceedings, actions, and causes of action of every kind and nature arising or growing out of or in any way connected with participants lost or stolen articles as well as damage to your vehicle during the event.